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La Biennale di Venezia
54th International Art Exhibition
4th June > 27th November 2011
Trip Sep 16 - 19 2011

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Ponte degli Scalzi/Geohack:

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Ponte degli Scalzi
Geohack: 45.441408/12.32262

Cafe Olimpia/Geohack:

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Cafe Olimpia
Geohack: 45.441408/12.32262

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Geohack: 45.437938/12.346251

Franz Kapfer/Plastik/2004/(In the Para-Pavillion of Franz West in the Arsenale)

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Franz Kapfer

(In the Para-Pavillion of Franz West in the Arsenale)

Nicholas Hlobo/Iimpundulu Zonke Ziyandilandela/2011

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Nicholas Hlobo

Iimpundulu Zonke Ziyandilandela

old elevators in the Arsenale

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old elevators in the Arsenale

Arsenale Haven

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Arsenale Haven

Plastic Whale

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Plastic Whale

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campanile, seen from the Arsenale

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campanile, seen from the Arsenale

Alessandro Gallo/Metro/2010/

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Alessandro Gallo

L'Arte No É Cosa Nostra - Mafia exhibition (stylized prison visiting rooms with documentaries)

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L'Arte No É Cosa Nostra - Mafia exhibition (stylized prison visiting rooms with documentaries)

Perturbing objects (Oggetti perturbanti)/Dora Tass/Arsenale - Italian Pavillon/also see paper docs

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Perturbing objects (Oggetti perturbanti)
Dora Tass
Arsenale - Italian Pavillon

also see paper docs

Reynier Leyva Novo (Cuba)/Los Olores de la Guerra/2009

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Reynier Leyva Novo (Cuba)
Los Olores de la Guerra

Arsenale Haven

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Arsenale Haven

Last Supper/Straw/Belarussian Pavillon/Geohack:

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Last Supper
Belarussian Pavillon

Geohack: 45.437851/12.356994

Jan Fabre/The Man Who Measures the Clouds/Geohack:

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Jan Fabre
The Man Who Measures the Clouds
Geohack: 45.437829/12.357355

Installation in the South African pavillon

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Installation in the South African pavillon

Renaissance Rocket?

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Renaissance Rocket?


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Geohack: 45.438597/12.356928

Ingrid, Luise/Geohack:

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Ingrid, Luise
Geohack: 45.438375/12.353077

View towards San Michele (cemetary island)

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View towards San Michele (cemetary island)

Calle dei Furlani/Geohack:

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Calle dei Furlani
Geohack: 45.436083/12.347061


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Geohack: 45.436106/12.345851


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Geohack: 45.436106/12.345851

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Two Halves of/Valsoia Cornetto Vaniglia

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Two Halves of
Valsoia Cornetto Vaniglia

Truce? Broken Sword (Damocles saved?)

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Truce? Broken Sword (Damocles saved?)

Flower Pot Cat

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Flower Pot Cat

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Floating Bag

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Floating Bag


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bird on a pole/allowallarge

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bird on a pole


Le Zitelle/

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Le Zitelle
Geohack: 45.426698/12.339104

Piazza San Marco from the sea/Campanile/Geohack: /allowallarge

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Piazza San Marco from the sea
Geohack: 45.432755/12.342086


Vaporetto - Arsenale/Geohack:

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Vaporetto - Arsenale
Geohack: 45.432875/12.34847

if it isn't Niki de Saint-Phalle what is it? At the Giardini della Biennale entrance right next to the vaporetto stop

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if it isn't Niki de Saint-Phalle what is it? At the Giardini della Biennale entrance right next to the vaporetto stop

plastic doves inside the Italian Pavillon

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plastic doves inside the Italian Pavillon

Biblioteca della Biennale

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Biblioteca della Biennale

Norma Jeane//#Jan25 (#Sidibouzid, #Feb12, #Feb14, #Feb17.)

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Norma Jeane
#Jan25 (#Sidibouzid, #Feb12, #Feb14, #Feb17.)

Norma Jeane/"The Work can be touched, the plasticine that composes it can be removed to play in this room, using the walls and the floor"/

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Norma Jeane
"The Work can be touched, the plasticine that composes it can be removed to play in this room, using the walls and the floor"

Tintoretto/TODO: caption, rot

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TODO: caption, rot

Amalia Pica/Venn Diagrams/2011/"A Venn diagram is a mathematical illustration used to describe group dynamics amd logical relations of inclusion and exclusion./During the period of dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s, gatherings of citizens were closely monitored, as they were considered a threat to the government. Prosecution for participating in amy type of collective activity was carried out under the umbrella of The National Security Law./At the same time, Group theory and Venn diagrams were banned from primary school programs as they could provide a model for subversive thought."

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Amalia Pica
Venn Diagrams

"A Venn diagram is a mathematical illustration used to describe group dynamics amd logical relations of inclusion and exclusion.

During the period of dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s, gatherings of citizens were closely monitored, as they were considered a threat to the government. Prosecution for participating in amy type of collective activity was carried out under the umbrella of The National Security Law.
At the same time, Group theory and Venn diagrams were banned from primary school programs as they could provide a model for subversive thought."

Do Forni

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Do Forni

TODO: attribution

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TODO: attribution

Karl Holmqvist/Education is a right/2011/

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Karl Holmqvist
Education is a right

Karl Holmqvist/Education is a right/2011/

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Karl Holmqvist
Education is a right

Karl Holmqvist/Education is a right/2011/(+Jeanne (Johanna) Natalie Wintsch: Jehova, 2924)/

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Karl Holmqvist
Education is a right

(+Jeanne (Johanna) Natalie Wintsch: Jehova, 2924)

Karl Holmqvist/Education is a right/2011/(+ Guy de Cointet: untitled (Muhammad's Signature) ca 1971)/

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Karl Holmqvist
Education is a right

(+ Guy de Cointet: untitled (Muhammad's Signature) ca 1971)

Llyn Foulkes/Mr President/2006

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Llyn Foulkes
Mr President

Llyn Foulkes/Where did I go wrong/1991/allowallarge

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Llyn Foulkes
Where did I go wrong

Blocked Radiants (for Ioana)/Das Institut Kerstin Brätsch and Adele Röder)/2011

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Blocked Radiants (for Ioana)
Das Institut Kerstin Brätsch and Adele Röder)

Blocked Radiants (for Ioana)/Das Institut Kerstin Brätsch and Adele Röder)/2011

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Blocked Radiants (for Ioana)
Das Institut Kerstin Brätsch and Adele Röder)

Tintoretto 2/TODO: look up painting

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Tintoretto 2
TODO: look up painting

Biennale bookstore (in the Giardini)

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Biennale bookstore (in the Giardini)

Charles Filch sign collection in the Spanish pavillon/also see

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Charles Filch sign collection in the Spanish pavillon
also see http://theinadequate.net/

Charles Filch sign collection in the Spanish pavillon/more info: /user: presskit/password: theinadequate2011

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Charles Filch sign collection in the Spanish pavillon
more info: http://theinadequate.net/presskit
user: presskit
password: theinadequate2011

Track and Field/2011/Centurian MK3 tank, motor, treadmill, runners/Giardini della Biennale, American Pavillon

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Track and Field
Centurian MK3 tank, motor, treadmill, runners
Giardini della Biennale, American Pavillon

Water Ladder III (Nadav)/Water Ladder II (Arad)/Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

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Water Ladder III (Nadav)
Water Ladder II (Arad)
Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

Water Ladder III (Nadav)/Water Ladder II (Arad)/Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

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Water Ladder III (Nadav)
Water Ladder II (Arad)
Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

Laces/Table, chairs, installation with 12 channel video/Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

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Table, chairs, installation with 12 channel video
Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

Laces - still image/Table, chairs, installation with 12 channel video/Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

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Laces - still image
Table, chairs, installation with 12 channel video
Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

TODO: brightness/Bronze Laces/Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

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TODO: brightness
Bronze Laces
Giardini della Biennale, Israeli Pavillon

54. International Biennale exposition, map of the Giardini della Biennale

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54. International Biennale exposition, map of the Giardini della Biennale

MANIFEST/Polish pavillon - ...and Europe will be stunned (motto)

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Polish pavillon - ...and Europe will be stunned (motto)

TODO: look up author; contrast?/20 % of Reasons not to be here/- invisibility is resistance/- not to decorate the gardens of the white male/- because jan verwoert said: "forget the national." and we like hime/- venice biennale = showroom of the western hegemony/- guilt/- not to jeopardize our place on the barricades/- art = revolution = spectacle = capital/- because we are 1 communist + 1 socialist feminist/- antinomadism/- venice biennale is a choking-on-money mercantilist fossil/- the zoo effect/- we have nothing to wear for the opening/- it's easier to criticize a show when you're not in it/- the curse of boosted expectations (2nd novel syndrome)/- to keep off who's hot and who's not/- tourist menu sucks/- to make art the way we feel, without considering its potential to succeed/On the wall of the Romainan Pavillon

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TODO: look up author; contrast?
20 % of Reasons not to be here
- invisibility is resistance
- not to decorate the gardens of the white male
- because jan verwoert said: "forget the national." and we like hime
- venice biennale = showroom of the western hegemony
- guilt
- not to jeopardize our place on the barricades
- art = revolution = spectacle = capital
- because we are 1 communist + 1 socialist feminist
- antinomadism
- venice biennale is a choking-on-money mercantilist fossil
- the zoo effect
- we have nothing to wear for the opening
- it's easier to criticize a show when you're not in it
- the curse of boosted expectations (2nd novel syndrome)
- to keep off who's hot and who's not
- tourist menu sucks
- to make art the way we feel, without considering its potential to succeed
On the wall of the Romainan Pavillon

Sold Out/Artist: Diohandi/Curator: Maria Marangou/Greek Pavillon, Giardini della Biennale

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Sold Out
Artist: Diohandi
Curator: Maria Marangou
Greek Pavillon, Giardini della Biennale

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Sold Out/Artist: Diohandi/Curator: Maria Marangou/Greek Pavillon, Giardini della Biennale

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Sold Out
Artist: Diohandi
Curator: Maria Marangou
Greek Pavillon, Giardini della Biennale

Light And Darkness Of Symbols/Raša Dragoljub Todosijević/Serbian Pavillon

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Light And Darkness Of Symbols
Raša Dragoljub Todosijević
Serbian Pavillon

Track and Field/2011/Centurian MK3 tank, motor, treadmill, runners/Giardini della Biennale, American Pavillon

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Track and Field
Centurian MK3 tank, motor, treadmill, runners
Giardini della Biennale, American Pavillon

When the Niggers take over America 1/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 1
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

When the Niggers take over America 2/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 2
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

When the Niggers take over America 3/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 3
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

When the Niggers take over America 4/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 4
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

When the Niggers take over America 5/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 5
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

When the Niggers take over America 6/Robert Crumb (USA 1943)/1993/Ink on Paper

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When the Niggers take over America 6
Robert Crumb (USA 1943)
Ink on Paper

An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar/U. S. Customs and Border Pretection, Contrabend Room, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, NY/"African cane rats infested with maggots, African yams (diascorea), Andean potatoes,  seized from the baggage [...]. They are identified, dissected, and then either ground up or incinerated. JFK processes more international passengers than any other airport in the United States" /Taryn Simon/2007/Danish Pavillon?

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An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar
U. S. Customs and Border Pretection, Contrabend Room, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, NY
"African cane rats infested with maggots, African yams (diascorea), Andean potatoes, were seized from the baggage [...]. They are identified, dissected, and then either ground up or incinerated. JFK processes more international passengers than any other airport in the United States"
Taryn Simon
Danish Pavillon?

Opera Aperta/Dutch Pavillon/Luise

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Opera Aperta
Dutch Pavillon


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Venice view from the giardini shore with freight ship

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Venice view from the giardini shore with freight ship

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Selbstausloeser 2/Magdalena, Luise, Ingrid, Veronika, Alexander/

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Selbstausloeser 2
Magdalena, Luise, Ingrid, Veronika, Alexander

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we come in peace

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we come in peace

What Women Want (?)/Flavio Lucchini/2011/Fake magazine covers of women wearing veils (Burqa)/

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What Women Want (?)
Flavio Lucchini
Fake magazine covers of women wearing veils (Burqa)

Sailors 2

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Sailors 2

Die Treppe

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Die Treppe

Wild Brass Boar

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Wild Brass Boar

... What If Roots Could Grow In the Waters of the Arsenale?/Dalya Yaari Luttwak/2011/Tribute to Venice on the occasion of the 54th Biennale d'Arte... What If Roots Could Grow In the Waters of the Arsenale?/Dalya Yaari Luttwak/2011/Tribute to Venice on the occasion of the 54th Biennale d'Arte/

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... What If Roots Could Grow In the Waters of the Arsenale?
Dalya Yaari Luttwak
Tribute to Venice on the occasion of the 54th Biennale d'Arte
... What If Roots Could Grow In the Waters of the Arsenale?
Dalya Yaari Luttwak
Tribute to Venice on the occasion of the 54th Biennale d'Arte

Murano (?) Glass stones in Brick Wall/TODO: geo position

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Murano (?) Glass stones in Brick Wall
TODO: geo position

Polizia 3

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Polizia 3

... Lega Nord

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... Lega Nord


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naked sailboats

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naked sailboats

Railway strike? Lega Nord have their own boat

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Railway strike? Lega Nord have their own boat

locked unlock up
- ../2004 12 seyfrieds - ../2005 - ../2006 - ../2007 03 franz - ../2007 03 magdalena - ../2007 04 angie - ../2007 04 gartenfest la - ../2007 04 seyfrieds ostern - ../2007 07 15 seyfrieds - ../2007 08 familienfest kk - ../2008 02 luise - ../2008 05 padova venezia - ../2008 06 22 euro it es - ../2008 07 bratislava - ../2008 09 mike s farewell - ../2008 10 18 flexcafe - ../2008 12 13 seyfrieds - ../2008 12 21 ulrike - ../2008 12 weihnachten - ../2009 01 herta 70 - ../2009 02 13 haydamaky ostklub wien - ../2009 02 bratislava - ../2009 03 28 seyfrieds - ../2009 03 budapest buddynetwork - ../2009 03 magdalena suedtirol - ../2009 04 06 seyfrieds - ../2009 04 sevilla - ../2009 05 bookcrossing wien einstein - ../2009 05 grillfest roman sybille - ../2009 07 uncon edinburgh - ../2009 12 13 mgv gmuend rathaus wien - ../2010 02 ostklub aquarium - ../2011 09 venezia biennale - ../2012 - ../2012 08 bratislava - ../2013 09 prag - ../2015 05 livia elton - ../2015 06 regenbogenparade - ../2015 06 reingers - ../2015 09 venezia biennale - ../2016 03 berne - ../2016 05 essl museum - ../2016 07 barcelona - ../2017 06 regenbogenparade - ../2017 12 prag - ../2018 02 luise - ../2018 12 02 riesenrad - ../2018 roma - ../2019 06 london - ../2019 pride - ../2020 09 schneebergdoerfl - ../2023 24 hamburg - ../images new