\documentclass[12pt]{article} % % Doug Nychka's LaTeX template (8/13/2004). To create a pdf file from this %use pdflatex % % if you read one more comment read the one that starts with *********** % % \nofiles % Suppress all those pesky files! % include some color support (see examples below) \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % % set background color \definecolor{Fcolor}{rgb}{.1,.1,.1} % A cool manila \definecolor{Pcolor}{rgb}{1,1,1} % A cool manila \pagecolor{Pcolor} % see the Tex files associated with dvipsnames % for some predefined colors. % % this little style file allows you to % step through a page adding items % %%\usepackage{german} %% \usepackage{isolatin1} \usepackage{pause} % % include a graphics package for importing figures % \usepackage{graphicx} % % this nice package supports pdf, png, and jpeg in pdflatex %( but just eps for latex) % png and jpg formats for images are particularly efficient. % In R use the pdf/png function to create a pdf/png graphics file. % If you have a ps file in UNIX use convert foo.ps foo.pdf % to make it into a pdf version % % If the postscript file has too much white space around it % use ps2epsi foo.ps ; epstopdf foo.eps foo.pdf to shrink wrap the figure % % or use the utility xv to crop images manually. % % %******* The magic of pdflatex, % These options give information to the acrobat viewer for displaying. % Use % pdflatex example.tex % to create example.pdf for viewing ( e.g. acroread example.pdf) % if you comment out the next two lines you can just use latex to make the % usual kind of dvi or postscript output. But you will have to use % postscript figures instead of pdf ones. % \RequirePackage[pdftex,pdfpagemode=none, pdftoolbar=true, pdffitwindow=true,pdfcenterwindow=true]{hyperref} % % change these to suit! Margins assume an inch as default % \setlength{\paperheight}{7in} \setlength{\paperwidth}{9in} \setlength{\textheight}{6.75in} \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\parskip}{.125in} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} % % % set background color \definecolor{Pcolor}{rgb}{1,1,1} % A rosy manila \pagecolor{Pcolor} % Define heading color. \definecolor{Hcolor}{rgb}{.3,.3,.3} % my heading color % % these are my basic page headings % note how the color is set % \def\mytitle#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\it \LARGE #1}\\ }} \def\MYTITLE#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\huge #1}\\ \rule[.15in]{\textwidth}{.03in} }} \def\myTITLE#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\huge #1}\\}} % just to make the math work, everyone does this differently ... \newcommand{\BLD}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}} % low tech way to start a new ``slide'' and add a background image % This has been tuned to the aspect paper sizes declared above. \newcommand{\emptyBS}{ \newpage \vspace*{-1in} \hspace*{-.5in} %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0231_med.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} \vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} } \newcommand{\BS}{ \newpage \vspace*{-1in} % \hspace*{-.5in} {\begin{center} \Large A History Of Paraphrenia in the Context of Psychiatric Classification \end{center} } %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0230_back.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} \vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} } % uncomment this version for just a new page and no background image. % note that you still get a background color from setting \pagecolor above %\newcommand{\BS}{ \newpage} \begin{document} \hypertarget{start}{} %%%%%%%%%%% {\color{Black} %begin default text color %{\color{White} %begin default text color {\LARGE % fault is LARGE size font { \sf % default face is sans serif %%%%%%%%%%%% %\vspace*{-1in} %\hspace*{-.5in} %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0230_back.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} %\vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} \emptyBS \MYTITLE{A History Of Paraphrenia in the Context of Psychiatric Classification} Alexander \"Olzant, Medical University of Vienna, 9301547\\ presented at \\ Department und Sammlungen f\"ur Geschichte der Medizin %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vspace*{.5in} % adjust this to makes things fit nicely \begin{itemize} \item Introduction - Kraepelin, Paraphrenia \item Development from 1920 to 1980 \item Current usage \item Questions and Aims \item Conclusions - Motivation \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Introduction - Kraepelin, Paraphrenia} \begin{itemize} \item Psychiatrie - Ein Lehrbuch f\"ur Studierende und \"Arzte\\ 9 editions 1883 - 1927 \pause \item wants to focus psychiatry on scientific method \pause \item observation instead of communication \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Introduction - Kraepelin, Paraphrenia} \begin{itemize} \item Psychiatrie - Ein Lehrbuch f\"ur Studierende und \"Arzte\\ 9 editions 1883 - 1927 \item Endogenous - exogenous psychoses \item Exogenous: dementia praecox, manic-depressive insanity \item Endogenous: infections (Lues), organic brain syndrome (German OPS/HOPS) \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Introduction - Kraepelin, Paraphrenia} \begin{itemize} \item Psychiatrie - Ein Lehrbuch f\"ur Studierende und \"Arzte\\ 9 editions 1883 - 1927 \item Classification according to his observations (Z\"ahlkarten) \pause \item Reclassification of the endogenous psychoses: \item 7$^{th}$ ed. 1904 manic-depressive insanity and dementia praecox \pause \item 8$^{th}$ ed. 1912 manic-depressive insanity, dementia praecox \\ {\color{Red}{and paraphrenia}} \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Kraepelin's Paraphrenias} No decay of the personality \begin{itemize} \item Paraphrenia systematica - progressive delusion of persecution \item Paraphrenia expansiva - exalted mood \item Paraphrenia confabulans - narrative of negative experiences \item Paraphrenia phantastica - more so \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Development from 1920 to 1980} \begin{itemize} \item Paraphrenia integrated with dementia praecox \item Schizophrenia used in preference of dementia praecox \item involutional paranoia $\rightarrow$ late paraphrenia \end{itemize} M. Bleuler - late schizophrenias (1943) \BS \MYTITLE{Development from 1920 to 1980} DSM-IIIr: \begin{itemize} \item 295.3 Paranoid type schizophrenic disorder ({includes paraphrenic schizophrenia}) \item 297.1 Paranoia \item 297.2 Paraphrenia \end{itemize} DSM-IV (no mention of paraphrenia): \begin{itemize} \item 295.3 Paranoid type schizophrenic disorder \item 297.1 delusional disorder \item 297.2 {\color{Red}{dropped}}, but \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Development from 1920 to 1980} ICD-9: \begin{itemize} \item 295.3 Paranoid type schizophrenic disorder (includes {\it paraphrenic schizophrenia}) \item 297.2 Paraphrenia \end{itemize} ICD-10: \begin{itemize} \item F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia (includes {\it Paraphrenic schizophrenia}) \item F22.0 Delusional disorder (includes {\it Paraphrenia (late)}) \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Current usage} \begin{itemize} \item Still known, but rarely used in clinical practice \item Research on contemporary use of the term paraphrenia \item What does the psychoanalytic community say? \item What does Karl Jasper say? \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Questions and Aims} \begin{itemize} \item Sex bias, gender aspects, SES \item Research on contemporary use of the term paraphrenia \item What does the psychoanalytic community say? \item What does Karl Jasper say? \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Thank you for the attention.} }% end LARGE font block } % end of bold face block } % end default text color block \end{document}