#!/usr/bin/perl # (copyleft) 2006 alexander@oelzant.priv.at # web chatserver client # best use with webchat.sh and rlwrap (no direct readline support built in) # TODO: make highlighting configurable # IRC proxy mode use strict; use warnings; require LWP::UserAgent; use Net::HTTP; use IO::Select; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Cookies; use Encode; use HTML::Entities; #use LWP; use CGI (qw/escape/); # thousands of lines just for autoflush :-( use IO::Handle; use LWP::ConnCache; my $chatservice="chatservice"; # -S ... my $chatserver="chat.$chatservice.at"; # -s ... my $chatbaseurl="/new"; # my $infourl="http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/$chatservice/single_detail_chat.php?username="; my $infourl="http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/site/de/"; # 517183.html"; my $smileypfad="/smilies/"; my $smileyext=".gif"; my $chatuser="atest"; # -u ... my $chatpass=""; # -p ... my $chatroom="international"; my $highlight="\\b$chatuser\\b|\\bfl.ster"; my $timeout=500; #my $timeout=200; my $logfile="$ENV{HOME}/webchat.log"; my $ircproxy=0; # test /info: #print &info($ARGV[0]); #exit 0; use Getopt::Std; my %opts; getopt('S:c:u:p:s:T:', \%opts); $chatroom=$opts{"c"} if $opts{"c"}; $chatpass=$opts{"p"} if $opts{"p"}; $chatuser=$opts{"u"} if $opts{"u"}; $chatservice=$opts{"S"} if $opts{"S"}; $chatserver="chat.$chatservice.at"; $chatserver=$opts{"s"} if $opts{"s"}; &HELP_MESSAGE if defined($opts{"?"}); &HELP_MESSAGE if defined($opts{"h"}); $highlight="\\b$chatuser\\b|\\bfl.ster"; sub HELP_MESSAGE { print "$0 usage: -h help -c channel [$chatroom] -p pass [xxx] -u user [$chatuser] -S service [$chatservice] -s server [$chatserver] "; exit(0); } if ($opts{"T"}) { $logfile=""; &out($opts{"T"}); exit(0); } my (%smileys); my ($sessionid); my ($rin,$rout,$rtime,$count,$msg); %smileys=( "sleep2" => "I-)", "knussel" => "*knutsch*", "Bolt" => "8-O", "goodnight" => "", "huepfer1" => "", "streiten" => "", "bad" => "", "kochen" => "", "idee" => "", "love2" => "*love2*", "popo" => "*popo*", "tel" => "*tel*", "kotz" => "*kotz*", "ka" => "*ka*", "smiliefluester" => "", "lieb" => "", "sex" => "", "speaker" => "", "bye" => "", "cry" => "*heul*", "naughty" => "*naughty*", "bussirot" => "*bussi*", "schwein" => "*schwein*", "bye2" => "*bye2*", "roseschenk" => "@}-;-", "tanz" => "*tanz*", "love" => "", "troesten" => "", "saug" => "", "respekt" => "*respekt*", "-r" => "", "l" => ":-D", "engel" => "*engel*", "crazy" => "*crazy*", "ok" => "", "box" => "", "handy" => "", "bye1" => "", "cry1" => "", "zwinker" => ";-)", "sonne" => "*sonne*", "bier" => "*bier*", "bg" => "*bg*", "watsche" => "*watsche*", "bang" => "*headbang*", "kopf" => "", "sexsmoke" => "", "-)" => ":-)", "rrofl" => "", "rolleyes" => "*rolleyes*", "schock" => "=:-O", "lol" => "*lol*", "angryfire" => "", "good" => "", "sekt" => "", "kopfkratz" => "", "gaehn" => "", "lol1" => "", "mock" => "", "inlove" => "", "kaffee" => "", "sing" => "", "tischhau" => "", "wut" => "", "teufel" => "", "muhaha" => "", "rotwerd" => "", "sabba" => "", "kaputtlach" => "", "baeh" => ":-P", "knie" => "", "vogel" => "", "amore" => "", "burzeltag" => "", "dudu" => "", "cry4" => "", "smoke" => "", "klatsch" => "", "teufelfinger" => "", "bussi" => "", "gg" => ":-]", "hello" => "", "gaga" => "", "schwert" => "", "hammer" => "", "wall" => "", "arsch" => "", ); # test beautify STDIN: #print &beautify(<>); #exit(0); my $cache = LWP::ConnCache->new; $cache->capacity("http",3); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->cookie_jar( {} ); sub wget($;$) { my ($request, $response, $success); my ($url,$content)=@_; $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url"); if ($content) { $request->method("POST"); $request->content($content); } $success=0; my $tries=0; while (!$success && $tries++<10) { $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0'); $ua->timeout(10); $ua->conn_cache($cache); $response = $ua->request($request); $success=$response->is_success; } return $response->content; } # set room if ($ARGV[0]) { $chatroom=$ARGV[0]; } my $urlpass=$chatpass; $urlpass =~ s/(.)/{"%".sprintf("%02x",unpack("C",$1))}/ge; print "chatpass: $chatpass, urlpass: $urlpass\n"; #exit 1; my $mainwindow=&wget("http://$chatserver/$chatbaseurl/index.html","ssl=&ipaq=&room=$chatroom&language=Deutsch&flash=&name=$chatuser&passwd=$urlpass&sessionid=&"); die "could not load main window" unless $mainwindow; if ($mainwindow =~ /sessionid=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/msg) { $sessionid = $1; print "session: $sessionid\n"; print "\n"; } else { print $mainwindow; print "=============\n no session id!\n"; exit 1; } #print $response->content; my $s = Net::HTTP->new(Host => "$chatserver") || die $@; $s->write_request(GET => "/new/stream.html?sessionid=$sessionid", 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0"); my $sel = IO::Select->new($s); READ_HEADER: { die "Header timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers(laxed => 1); print "$code $mess\n"; redo READ_HEADER unless $code; } #my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers; my $lastsent=time; my ($buf,$oldbuf); $oldbuf=""; if (! $ircproxy) { open LOG,">>$logfile" || die "$logfile"; LOG->autoflush(1); while (1) { $rin = ''; $rout = ''; vec($rin, 0, 1) = 1; # timeout after 10.0 seconds if (select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, .001)) { $msg=; chomp $msg; } else { $msg=undef; if (time > ($lastsent + $timeout)) { $msg="/w $chatuser $lastsent"; } } if ($msg && $msg =~ m#/info (.*)$#) { &out(&info($1)); $msg=undef; } if ($msg) { &wget("http://$chatserver/$chatbaseurl/input.html","sessionid=$sessionid&text=".escape($msg)); $lastsent=time; } if ($sel->can_read(.001)) { my $n = $s->read_entity_body($buf, 1024); #my $n = sysread($s, $buf, 1024); my $buf1=$oldbuf.$buf; if ($buf1 =~ /<[^>]*$/si) { # otherwise the regex takes minutes to execute?! $buf1 =~ /(.*)(<[^>]*)$/si; $buf1 = $1; $oldbuf=$2; } elsif ($buf1 =~ /&\d*$/si) { $buf1 =~ /(.*)(&\d*)$/si; $buf1 = $1; $oldbuf=$2; } else { $oldbuf=""; } while ($buf1 =~ s#^(.*?(?:


)\s+)(.*)#$2#is) { &out($1); } $oldbuf=$buf1.$oldbuf; die "read failed: $!" unless defined $n; last unless $n; } select(undef, undef, undef, .001); } } else { # ircproxy $logfile=undef; while (1) { $rin = ''; $rout = ''; vec($rin, 0, 1) = 1; # timeout after 0.1 seconds if (select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, .1)) { $msg=; chomp $msg; } else { $msg=undef; if (time > ($lastsent + $timeout)) { $msg="/w $chatuser $lastsent"; } } if ($msg && $msg =~ m#/info (.*)$#) { &out_irc(&info($1)); $msg=undef; } if ($msg) { &wget("http://$chatserver/$chatbaseurl/input.html","sessionid=$sessionid&text=$msg"); $lastsent=time; } if ($sel->can_read(.1)) { my $n = $s->read_entity_body($buf, 1024); $buf=$oldbuf.$buf; if ($buf =~ /(.*)(<[^>]*)$/si) { $buf = $1; $oldbuf=$2; } elsif ($buf =~ /(.*)(&\d*)$/si) { $buf = $1; $oldbuf=$2; } else { $oldbuf=""; } while ($buf =~ s#^(.*?
\s+)(.*)#$2#is) { &out_irc($1); } $oldbuf=$buf.$oldbuf; die "read failed: $!" unless defined $n; last unless $n; } } } sub out($) { my ($line)=@_; print beautify($line); print LOG $line if $logfile; } sub out_irc($;$) { my ($line,$type)=@_; $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) ([^>( )]+) /$1 \x1b[1m$2\x1b[0m /mg; # caveat: > verschwindet $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) > (\w+) /$1 \x1b[1m$2\x1b[0m /mg; $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) \(([^\)]+)\)/$1 (\x1b[1m$2\x1b[0m)/mg; print beautify($line); print LOG $line if $logfile; } sub info($) { my ($user)=@_; my ($infohtml,$infotxt,$url,$uid,$username,$age); $infotxt=""; $infohtml=wget("http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/site/de/single_detail.php?username=$user"); # Singlenummer: 807730
if ($infohtml !~ m#class=tab_single_detail_active#ms) { $infohtml=wget("http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/site/de/single_detail2.php?username=$user"); } if ($infohtml =~ m#Singlenummer:(?:\s*<[^>]*>)*(\d+)<#ms) { $uid = "$1"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#Username:(?:\s*<[^>]*>)*([^<]+)<#ms) { $infotxt .= "$1"; # $username = "$1"; # $username =~ s/, (\d+)//; # $age=$1; if ($infohtml =~ m#
  • \s*([^<]*)
  • #ms) { my ($num,$string)=($1,$2); if ($string) { $infotxt .= ", $2"; } elsif ($num =~ /1/) { $infotxt .= ", Mann"; } elsif ($num =~ /2/) { $infotxt .= ", Frau"; } elsif ($num =~ /3/) { $infotxt .= ", Paar"; } } if ($infohtml =~ m#
  • \s*([^<]+)
  • #ms) { $infotxt .= ", $1"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#
  • \s*([^<]+)
  • #ms) { $infotxt .= ", $2"; if ($1 =~ /1/) { $infotxt .= " (at)"; } elsif ($1 =~ /2/) { $infotxt .= " (de)"; } elsif ($1 =~ /3/) { $infotxt .= " (ch)"; } } $infotxt .= "
    \n "; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_detail_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "P"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_detail2_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "E"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_album_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "A"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_guest_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "G"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_contact_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "M"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_diary_grey#ms) { $infotxt .= "_"; } else { $infotxt .= "D"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#Profil seit:(?:\s*<[^>]*>)*([^<]+)<#s) { $infotxt .= ", seit $1"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#zuletzt online:(?:\s*<[^>]*>)*([^<]+)<#s) { $infotxt .= ", zuletzt $1"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#User ist online#s) { $infotxt .= " (jetzt online!)"; } $infotxt .= "
    \n"; if ($uid && $infohtml !~ m#class=tab_single_detail_grey#ms) { $url="http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/site/de/$uid.html"; } else { $url="http://www.$chatservice.at/pages/site/de/single_detail2.php?username=$user"; } $infotxt .= " $url
    \n"; # Profilanalyse: if ($infohtml =~ /chicken_error.png/s) { $infotxt .= " error fetching profile
    \n"; } if ($infohtml =~ m#(http://dyn.$chatservice.at/)(uploadcounter_\d+/)([^"]+)"#s) { my $img="$1$3"; my $prev=$img; $prev =~ s/.jpg/_prev.jpg/; $infotxt .= " $img
    \n"; } elsif ($infohtml =~ m#class=tab_single_detail_grey#ms) { my $pre; if ($uid =~ /^(\d\d\d)/) { $pre="$1/"; } else { $pre=""; } my $img="http://dyn.$chatservice.at/singleboerse/images/${pre}pic$uid.jpg"; my $prev=$img; $prev =~ s/.jpg/_prev.jpg/; $infotxt .= " $img
    \n"; } if ($uid && $infohtml !~ m#class=tab_single_detail_grey#ms) { my $counter=0; for my $i ("Gr..e", "Gewicht", "Haarfarbe", "Augenfarbe", "Statur", "Ausbildung", "Beruf", "Studienrichtungen", "Beziehungswunsch", "Sexuelle Vorlieben", "Kinder", "Ich bin") { if ($infohtml =~ m#$i:\s*(?: )*\s*(?:
    )?((?:\s*(?: )*\s*[^<]+?\s*\s*)+)#s) { my $value=$1; $value =~ s/<[^>]+>//g; $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/g; if ($value !~ /^$|keine Angabe|^- kg\s*$/) { # if (($counter%3) == 0) if ($i =~ /Gr..e|Ausbildung|Beziehungswunsch/) { $infotxt .= " "; } else { $infotxt .= ", "; } $counter++; if ($i =~ /Beziehungswunsch|Sexuelle Vorlieben|Kinder|Ich bin/) { $value =~ s/\b(\w)\w+/$1/g; $value =~ s/\b(\w) /$1/g; } if ($i !~ /Gr..e|Gewicht|Ich bin/) { my $p=$i; $p =~ s/farbe//; $p =~ s/uelle Vorlieben//; $p =~ s/eziehungs/-/; $infotxt .= "$p: $value"; } else { $infotxt .= "$value"; } # if (($counter%3) == 0) if ($i =~ /Statur|Beruf|Ich bin/) { $infotxt .= "
    \n"; } } } } if (($counter%3) != 0) { $infotxt .= "
    \n"; } } return $infotxt; } sub beautify($) { my ($line)=@_; my $rep; $line =~ s/^$//sg; $line =~ s/\n//sg; $line =~ s/ / /sg; $line =~ s/]*>/\n/sgi; $line =~ s/]*>/\n/sgi; # while ($line =~ /]+src="${smileypfad}([^"]*)$smileyext"[^>]*>/si) { $rep=$smileys{$1}; if (!$rep || $rep =~ /^$/) { $rep="*$1*"; } $line =~ s/]*src="${smileypfad}([^"]*)$smileyext"[^>]*>/$rep/si; } $line =~ s/<[^>]*>//msgi; #$line=decode_entities($line); #while ($line =~ /\&\#(\d+);/msi) { # $rep=pack("C",$1); # $line =~ s/\&\#\d+;/$rep/msi; #} #$line =~ s/<//sg; #$line =~ s/&/\&/sg; # caveat: > verschwindet $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) > (\w+) /$1\x1b[1m $2 \x1b[0m/mg; $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) \(([^\)]+)\)/$1 \x1b[1m($2)\x1b[0m/mg; $line =~ s/($highlight)/\a\x1b[7m$1\x1b[27m/isg; # ... $line =~ s/^(\d\d:\d\d) ([^>( )]+) /$1\x1b[1m $2 \x1b[0m/mg; return encode("utf-8",decode_entities(decode("iso-8859-1",$line))); }